When entitled students at Yale University protest alleged injustice, it is hard not to roll your eyes just a bit?
“Yale students enjoy luxuries akin to European aristocracy. Students live in resort-style housing that includes lavish feasts, massage parlors and recreational spaces that boast everything from a printing press to a pottery studio,” points out one Yale senior, Esteban Elizondo, in an op-ed in the New York Post.
Elizondo’s got a term for protesting Yalies: “protester derangement syndrome.”
He points out that despite the vast wealth and resources and opportunities his peers are surrounded with, “Yale students afflicted with PDS display derangement symptoms similar to an oppressed religious cult. They refuse to interact with the world around them. They have demanded the buildings be renamed. They support the desecration of art. They sanitize history by demanding professors exclude certain authors from syllabi.”
“…Just this past Wednesday, I was at a lecture when a student stood up and loudly announced he was going on strike for the climate. He proudly walked out of the auditorium and was joined by about a quarter of the class, who proceeded to have a mini-rally on campus. Apparently, the protest included attacks on ‘racial capitalism,’ whatever that means, and calls to free Palestine. I guess one symptom of PDS is forgetting what you are protesting. And of course this all happened right before midterm season picks up.”
Elizondo is no stranger to calling out his peers’ absurdities. In April 2017, he joined forces with the Yale College Republicans to host a counter-protest against graduate students’ symbolic “hunger strike” for unionization. It was a barbecue set up next to the hunger strikers.
Today, Elizondo went on Fox News to discuss his experiences and observations at Yale.
IMAGE: Shutterstock
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