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Bud Selig named official faculty member at Marquette

Marquette University Law School has formally named Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig to the adjunct faculty for being a lecturer in sports law and policy.

Marquette announced the decision Nov. 23. The announcement makes the position Selig has held since spring 2009 official. He has been teaching sports law courses each year, making this currently the third consecutive year for him teaching.

“Bud Selig is, without question, one of the most skilled and accomplished professionals in the sports industry today,” Joseph Kearney, dean of Marquette Law School, said in a statement.“We are truly honored that he would commit his time to our students and grateful that he’s chosen our classrooms as a place to pass down his significant wisdom to the next generation of leaders.”

Selig, a graduate from the University of Wisconsin, has been Baseball Commissioner for 18 years, and in that time he has helped the game receive record attendance, revenue and social awareness, according to the statement. He was also a key player in helping the Milwaukee Brewers build their new baseball stadium, Miller Park, in 2001.

Read the full story at the Badger Herald.

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