Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Racial issues College that immediately expelled student for ‘racist’ social media now admits she didn’t make the posts
Student gave evidence that 'the words were added by someone who downloaded her photo.'
Higher Education Legal Racial issues More than 150 law school deans want mandated bias training for law students
Law school professor warns that it could backfire.
Curriculum Legal Former West Virginia University physics professor to serve jail time for hiding ties to China
A former tenured physics professor at West Virginia University is accused of defrauding the school while he worked for the Chinese “Thousand Talents” program.
Curriculum K-12 Education Politics Illinois lawmaker proposes ban on history classes: They ‘lead to a racist society’
'until a suitable alternative is developed ... '
Activism K-12 Education Politics Nation’s 2nd-largest teachers union backs strikes to oppose the reopening of schools
American Federation of Teachers prez also rips President Trump.