Curriculum Environmental science programs spark debate over whether humanities and hard sciences can mix
Students could 'come out with an environmental studies degree and really not know anything more than a high school student about actual science,' one scholar says.
K-12 Education LGBTQ Racial issues Elon U. has early education majors do ‘social justice’ projects for required class
Professors say project can help future teachers become 'equity-minded' leaders.
LGBTQ Politics Indiana University remains under scrutiny for compliance with Kinsey Institute funding ban
University said it is complying with state ban, but comptroller and attorney general office remain skeptical.
Anti-Semitism Free Speech Combat antisemitism and protect free speech by ending double standards for different students, scholars say
'Jewish students should be treated equally and fairly with other students.'
Bias Cancel Culture Berkeley Republicans field death threats, accused of creating ‘unsafe environment’ for hosting anti-trans talk
Student government leaders ‘continuing to hold space for their communities for those who have faced harm from various guests on campus.'
Politics Universities boost counseling services as Trump victory prompts some young people to threaten suicide
'Some of this might be just like emotive craziness.'