Articles by Samantha Figueroa - State University of New York-Purchase
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Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Law professor who wore Black Lives Matter shirt to class has a long trail of student grievances
Students unnerved by 'an unprecedented decline in bar passage rate' at Whittier Law School.
Political Correctness Racial issues ‘Racist’ Asian image shared by black student group swept under the rug at Cornell Law
How does a 'hateful and racist' message like this not go viral these days?
Racial issues Black males succeed in college by subverting and brushing off stereotypes, research finds
Practice 'redirection' when a white guy asks you for pot, says professor who interviewed 143 black male undergrads.
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble Opinion DORM OF DOOM: Community college endangers students in botched residential transition
Shooting, stabbing and a director having sex with his own resident: Welcome to dorm life at SUNY Broome.