Articles by Robby Soave - Assistant Editor
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Luke Stibbs, a student at the University of the Fraser Valley, has written a column for The College Conservative about why Newt is no conservative hero.
This week, the occupation of common sense continues...
Given Big Government's failings in the classroom, many parents might question why it should be even more involved in their children's education.
Anton Dirnberger, chair of the College Republicans at U-M, expressed excitement that the president was coming to campus, but expected to disagree with much of the speech.
Look, it doesn't take oracular powers to realize universities have spent themselves into oblivion--far, far beyond the point where increased funding could do them any good.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed people of all races should be treated equally. This week, universities across the country celebrated Dr. King's legacy by routinely disparaging his views and defending explicit and institutional racism on college campuses in the form of affirmative action.