Articles by Peter Maxwell
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Abortion/Pro-life Curriculum Religion Christian college gives academic credit for volunteering at ‘baby parts’ Planned Parenthood
Texas Christian University's denomination doesn't mind: 'Not all Christians are pro-life.'
Bias Racial issues #StopWhitePeople2K16 training for RAs was named ‘ironically,’ public university says
Diversity official: 'I don't see a problem with it.' Administrator says a few RAs had a 'mixed reaction.'
Legal Religion Sexual Assault Christian college sues the feds to protect women’s privacy and due process, president says
'I refuse to be held hostage to the funding of Title IX to compromise our moral identity.'
Free Speech Politics Second Amendment Students will carry dildos (again) to protest new campus-carry law in Texas
Students for Concealed Carry asks attorney general to stop UT from blocking guns in offices.
Free Speech Higher Ed Bubble Public university demotes Koch-connected professor for joke taken out of context
Troy University backtracks on whether there's a 'moratorium' on faculty speech in public.
Bias Legal LAWSUIT: Florida State sought to ‘ambush’ accused student with 47 new allegations at hearing
'[T]his case only involved speech related allegations. This case does not involve sexual assault.'