Articles by Micah Fleck
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Feminism Free Speech Feminism’s new motto is ‘I’m down in the dirt – help me get up,’ says ex-feminist writer
'Self-obsessed' feminism gives young women a false picture of what oppression actually looks like.
Bias Legal Sexual Assault Due process on campus ‘will get worse before it gets better,’ Cardozo law students told
Office for Civil Rights can justify its request for more money based on ever-expanding definitions of sexual assault.
Activism Political Correctness Trigger-warning wall created by ‘radical democrat’ who favors ‘radical change’
Students and faculty are huge fans of the art installation, co-coordinator says.
Activism Political Correctness Student art exhibit insists ‘trigger warnings are REAL and should be RESPECTED’
Critics of trigger warnings 'never express their opinion, because of the potential consequences of doing so.'
Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Colleges are assigning faddish summer books that don’t challenge students’ views, report says
Reading-list committees scoff at suggestions from National Association of Scholars for more variety.
Analysis Curriculum Political Correctness What passes for microaggressions at Columbia: White male professors, ‘stressful situations’
A conversation with a self-described queer, multiracial, mentally ill sexual-assault survivor.