Articles by Maggie Kelly - For The College Fix
You are viewing page 46 of 64
Feminism Sexual Assault STEM #MeToo-inspired measures may harm academic collaboration between the sexes: biologist
Hiring sexual harassment 'consultants' at conferences has had unintended consequences.
Analysis Curriculum Opinion ‘Wonderful treasures’: Former college president writes passionate defense of liberal arts
New book outlines progressive challenges to education and responds with care.
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble Political Correctness Yet another refugee professor: English scholar explains why politics drove him out of academia
‘Ultimately, the reason I left academia ... is the same that many others have.'
Activism Healthcare Political Correctness ‘Unsafe’: Public health professors and grad students want professor canceled for COVID views
Their letter also accused Wen of being ‘fatphobic.’
Higher Ed Bubble Research Research journal removes ‘autoethnography’ paper on masturbating to Japanese pornography
Article was taken down due to 'ethical concerns' and 'social harm.'