Articles by Jonathan McGee
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Higher Education Politics Cuomo pal out of SUNY top job after text messages published about ex-governor’s accusers
'Go f***yourself' he imagined himself saying to a Cuomo accuser.
Higher Education K-12 Education Politics Rand Paul proposes complete tax deduction for college costs
‘[F]inancing education is already hard enough, and Uncle Sam doesn’t need a cut,’ Paul said,
Activism Racial issues University of Chicago rejects librarians’ demand to ‘abolish all forms of policing’
Librarians also wanted to eliminate background checks for new hires.
Activism Healthcare Higher Education FIRE wins recognition for single payer club, still suing medical school over First Amendment violation
'These kinds of violations will continue to happen to other students' legal expert warns.
Analysis K-12 Education Religion Why school choice is winning, and how the Supreme Court could set it back
Keep your eyes on Carson, Gillis, and Nelson v. Hasson.