Articles by Jennifer Kabbany
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Bias Politics Ed watchdog: Leader of federal scholarship program biased against conservatives should resign
'We refuse to believe that only liberal students demonstrate outstanding potential in public service.'
Anti-Semitism Cancel Culture Free Speech Protest shuts down conservative Israeli lawmaker’s talk at UC Berkeley
'Restoring Democracy' event moved online after protesters began shouting.
Cancel Culture Curriculum Religion Christian professor’s ‘Intro to Christianity’ class torpedoed at ASU
'They don’t want it taught from a Christian perspective.'
Bias Cancel Culture Citing safety concerns, Indiana State U. cancels speech by National Review editor Rich Lowry
'Next Time Cancel Me for Something I Actually Said.'
Activism Anti-Semitism VIDEO: Pro-Palestinian Pomona protesters scream like banshees at midnight outside president’s house
Protesters also splattered red paint over sidewalk entrance to president's home.