Articles by Greg Piper
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Abortion/Pro-life Healthcare Opinion University of Pittsburgh approves creation of ‘humanized rodents’ with late-term aborted babies
Same university that retaliated against professor for arguing race preferences hurt med students.
Activism Free Speech Politics Middlebury says it may rescind Rudy Giuliani’s honorary degree for ‘fomenting insurrection’
Declines to provide timeline, criteria for making decision.
Abortion/Pro-life Free Speech Legal College pays censored pro-life students $25,000, ditches free speech zones to settle lawsuit
But lawyers for students agree to total chalking ban, regardless of whether students remove chalk.
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Politics Universities refuse to cancel rents for students locked out of campus housing under COVID protocol
Students threaten 'rent strike' after some forced to pay more than $4,000.
K-12 Education Legal Racial issues Catholic school forced white student to accept critical race theory with ‘false imprisonment’: lawsuit
Tells her she's racist because she's white, lets black classmate repeatedly threaten her, suit claims.
Bias Free Speech Legal Garbage appeals court lets Fordham violate its own promises to students based on their viewpoint
University can do it all over again if every legal challenge takes four years.