Articles by Dave Huber
You are viewing page 119 of 413
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Lecturer tells Yale medical students she fantasizes about killing white people
Shocker: She claims she was taken out of context.
Analysis Political Correctness White Privilege White Spanish teacher quits gig due to white supremacy — forgets where Spain is located
When political correctness runs head first into stupidity
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Towson University students miffed at lack of action on building renamings
'It’ll really show that Towson doesn’t care about their Black students'
Analysis Anti-Semitism Political Correctness Rutgers U. chancellor denounces antisemitism, then apologizes for his denunciation
A campus Palestinian group had objected
Analysis Political Correctness White Privilege Food debate at UC Santa Barbara shows silliness, smugness of student governments
Student senator tries to force vegan-only food options