Articles by Christian Schneider
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Curriculum Racial issues White Privilege U. of Iowa groups demand black professors be given priority to teach some literature classes
“Black professors should be given priority to teach African-American literature courses, if they so choose,” the letter reads.
Bias Free Speech Political Correctness Provost reprimanded for using word ‘mantra,’ cited as biased against Buddhists
Separate complaint filed against student for using term ‘sandwich artisan,’ University of Washington public records show.
Bias Racial issues White Privilege UW-Madison prof: ‘next to no chance’ conservative could be hired via minority recruitment program
While a minority hiring program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison values skin color, there is less value placed on political minorities of color on the right.
Political Correctness Racial issues White Privilege Hundreds of Dartmouth faculty, students sign letter urging school to fight ‘structural racism’
Demand more pay to compensate black faculty for 'invisible labor.'
Bias Curriculum White Privilege Student files bias complaint after dry-erase message fails to refer to MLK as ‘doctor’
Complaint lodged with Ohio State’s Bias Assessment and Response Team.