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Apparently out of ideas, U. Cincinnati students protest general ‘state of the Nation’

Earlier this week, a cadre of students from the University of Cincinnati got together at the campus Tangeman University Center to “silently protest the ‘state of the nation.’”

That’s right, there was no specific beef, just, as The News Record reports, “acts of racism, sexism, xenophobia and other forms of bigotry perpetrated by President Trump’s administration and his supporters since the election.”

Oh, that.

Basically, you could think of this as your all-too typical college whine fest.

“Trump is the product of a country built on hatred and stepping on the backs of people of color, not the other way around,” said psychology student Devonte Stewart, noting he doesn’t think bigotry has actually increased, just that people are now more open about it.

Stewart believes the university could be “more supportive” of “marginalized groups” by providing more resources for them (how original):

“What the administration can do is be open and offer marginalized groups on campus the services that they need. People don’t need pity, they need help. UC has to be ready to meet the challenge, something they’ve been terrible at during my four years here.”

From the story:

“The idea of a silent protest was to take up space and force people to witness our experiences without creating room for debate or differing opinions,” said Anahita Sharma, a fourth year liberal arts student.

While debate can be helpful and constructive, there is a time and place for it, and sometimes it is inappropriate, according to [freshman Mashal] Ahmed.

Ahmed was also critical of the Delta Tau Delta, a fraternity that was tabling on the other side of MainStreet.

MORE: U. Michigan students protest due to school president not preventing ALL hateful acts on campus

While the fraternity had most likely not planned for the activists to be there, it was disrespectful for them to play pop music over the demonstration, said Ahmed.

“When people are expressing their hurt and pain, it’s not the place to do so because you are essentially telling them that they are not validated in their feelings,” said Ahmed. “It’s not easy when holding protests to express that to people passing by, so I think the tape helped a lot.”

The university itself could do more to listen to marginalized groups on campus as opposed to making decisions for them, according to Ahmed.

“I also feel like very often we are talked to and not talked with, and that’s not something I’m going to seek out because I actually want my voice to be heard,” said Ahmed.

“Not something I’m going to seek … ” Wha-a-a-a-a??

Sharma complained about the protest’s low turnout noting that if more had shown up the group could have occupied MainStreet.

Perhaps try having an actual purpose next time.

Read the full piece.

MORE: Student op-ed: If you criticize violent protests you endorse hate speech

MORE: College students refuse to accept Trump’s inauguration, protest nationwide

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IMAGE: Spunkinator/Flickr

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.