‘There is no such thing as a good cop’
A political activist who frequently shares anti-white and anti-police views is slated to speak today on a panel recently at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.
The university think tank picked Amber Sherman as one of its panelist for an event today on “Race, Police and Violence: The Killing of Tyre Nichols.”
Nichols is a black male who was killed by five black Memphis police officers in early January, according to CBS News. Other personnel were also fired for their conduct, according to the outlet.
To Sherman, all cops are bad cops, however. Black cops are part of white supremacy as well, she argued.
On February 2, Sherman tweeted that “There is no such thing as a good cop” and “All cops are complicit in upholding a system of white supremacy and racism that continues to over police, over criminalize, and murder Black people. The whole system gotta go.”
Sherman has some other strong views on race, police and violence which drew attention from the Chicago Thinker, the campus conservative publication.
“When black men be posting they white wives I do be taken aback a little…cuz why y’all still doing that,” she said, indicating that she opposes interracial marriage.
When black men be posting they white wives I do be taken aback a little…cuz why y’all still doing that. 🫠
— A is for Afro (@Amberisms_) August 14, 2022
Sherman is a supporter of rioting and looting, according to her tweets concerning the reactions in Memphis to the killing of Nichols.
“Memphis schools & businesses have spent more time fear mongering the public about what protests could happen than they have discussing the fear of being killed by the cops who are supposed to ‘protect’ us,” she tweeted on January 26. “As far as I’m concerned, y’all should pop yo [stuff] tomorrow, Memphis.” “Pop you s***,” would appear to be a call to violence.
She also tweeted her disgust at a “white man” even talking to her as she boarded a plane. “Not this white man asking me what number I am for boarding, baby mind yo business,” she wrote.
“That’s what happens when you fear the wrong people,” she wrote in response to a tweet from Talbert Swan. “Now look at you, dead cuz you trusted a white man of all people.”
Mitchell Robson, the author of the Thinker piece explained his objections to Sherman.
“It goes without saying that someone who sees an interracial marriage and replies ‘why y’all still doing tha’”—and callously dismisses small business owners’ concerns about their shops being ransacked with a ‘pop yo shit’ to potential rioters—is questionably equipped at best to handle serious discussions about much-needed policing reform,” Robson wrote.
He said he does not want her canceled nor does he disagree in general with police reform, but said Sherman’s racialist views are not the answer.
“In order to make all citizens safer from the predations of the state at the hands of the police, serious changes must be made,” he wrote. “But does the IOP sincerely believe that a woke, anti-white racist will help usher in these positive solutions?”
MORE: UChicago selects failed candidates for think tank fellowship
IMAGES: Amber Sherman/Twitter
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