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Another hoax: Black student targets himself, others with racist graffiti

There’s been yet another incident of race hoax madness, this time involving a black student at Maryland’s Goucher College.

Fynn Ajani Arthur, a member of the school’s lacrosse team, was charged on Thursday with two counts of malicious destruction of property after investigators determined he was responsible for dormitory swastika graffiti which targeted specific individuals — including himself.

Just the other day, officials at Drake University in Iowa determined racist notes targeting students in dorms were hoaxes.

According to the Daily Mail, Arthur’s scribblings “depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students” (himself being one). He also wrote (allegedly) that “all ‘n*****s’ on campus would be killed.”

Arthur was released on his own recognizance but has been banned from the Goucher campus.

From the story:

Goucher Public Safety officials worked with Baltimore County Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Baltimore Field Office to investigate both of graffiti incidents.

They determined that Arthur was responsible for the messages based on evidence found Thursday, police say.

Goucher vice president and dean Bryan Coker condemned the racist incidents during a Friday press conference, according to the Baltimore Sun.

‘These acts of hate have consumed our community and we feel strongly that the suspect should be prosecuted with the strongest charges, which reflect the seriousness of these crimes,’ Coker said.

He criticized Baltimore County police for not charging Arthur with a hate crime, though in Maryland the specific charge of ‘hate crime’ does not exist, Officer Jennifer Peach, a department spokeswoman, said.

As might be predicted, some students say the revelation of the hoax is largely irrelevant. Senior Cydnii Jones told the Baltimore Sun the instances of graffiti were “merely symptoms of Groucher’s larger issue of racism on campus.”

Indeed, on Friday students met at a designated “safe space” to voice a set of demands. These included the “hiring of more black staff on campus, the installation of security cameras in residence halls and the requirement that incoming students take a class on cultural competency.”

Jones voiced concern that, given Arthur’s arrest, campus officials will consider the problem of campus racism solved.

But the question remains: If racism is so prevalent on college campuses as Jones and so many others claim, why do these ersatz hate crimes keep popping up? It’s almost as if a narrative has to be perpetuated …

Read the full article.

MORE: Racist notes found at Drake U. turn out to be … hoaxes

MORE: Racist note at Kansas State U. turns out to be a hoax

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