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Animal Rights Activists Gone Too Far?

According to Stephanie Wang, SFPA summer fellow at the Daily Caller, an animal rights group is suing pig farmers for paperwork violations:

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) picked a fight with pig farmers Wednesday, announcing its intent to sue 51 pork producers over what it said was a failure to report discharges of ammonia into the environment.

But the National Pork Producers Council, a farmers’ trade group, told The Daily Caller that the animal rights group was taking “alleg[ed] … paperwork violations” and weaving them into a made-up environmental disaster.

And a food PR expert told TheDC that the move was calculated to drive up costs for farmers who produce bacon, ham and other animal proteins.

HSUS said its targets in Iowa, North Carolina and Oklahoma failed to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s reporting requirements for discharges of ammonia exceeding 100 pounds in a 24-hour period.

“All of the operations put on notice today exceed this requirement, and in some cases by vast amounts,” HSUS said in a press release. The group also said many of the farms it plans to sue are members of the pork trade group.

“It is important to point out that HSUS is not alleging environmental harm but rather paperwork violations of EPA’s emissions reporting rule,” the National Pork Producers Council said in a statement.

Read the full article here.

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