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American Univ. professor killed in Iraq

BAGHDAD — More than 20 people were killed and scores were wounded Thursday when three bombs ripped through a crowded market in a predominately Shiite neighborhood, an attack likely to inflame ethnic tensions in a country struggling with an upswing in violence.

The attack, the worst in Baghdad in several months, comes on a day that saw bombings across central Iraq, including the killing of a U.S. citizen riding in a diplomatic convoy.

State Department officials said Stephen Everhart, an international finance expert working with the U.S. Agency for International Development, was killed when his convey hit a roadside bomb while leaving a university in Baghdad. […]

In a statement condemning what it called a terrorist attack against a U.S. citizen, the State Department said Everhart was in Iraq to try to bolster the country’s Ministry of Higher Education. He was an associate dean at the American University in Cairo, the Associated Press reported, and his biography on the university’s Web site says he was previously managing director of OPIC, the Overseas Private Investment Corp., in Washington.

Read the full story at the Washington Post.

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