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Afghan student braves war with U.S. army, studies in U.S.

Aimal Halim stepped out of his one-man tent and into the darkness of the Afghanistan night. He was walking across the base to deliver his daily report when the sky lit up with mortar fire.

“I looked up to see the flash of a (rocket propelled grenade) as it flew by my face,” Halim said. “I thought I had lost my head. We were told to run for cover, but I thought my legs were gone. I could not move.”

Insurgents attacked his unit three more times that night. About 100 men came to torch the camp. They wanted to destroy every American present, but the military resisted and everyone survived, he said.

Halim, 21, applied to the University of Nevada, Reno during the summer. Sixty-three Afghan students applied for visas alongside Halim to study in the United States — he was one of four accepted.

Read the full story at the Nevada Sagebrush.

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