Search for "jodi shaw"
Analysis Free Speech Racial issues Smith College whistleblower, told not to rap because she’s white, finally performs her music on iconic NYC stage
Jodi Shaw, who outed Smith College for its ‘hostile work environment,’ earns ‘Hero of Intellectual Freedom Award’ in Manhattan on Wednesday night.
Art and Culture DEI Librarians’ focus on the individual leads to ‘white savior narratives,’ scholars argue
Critic warns of socialist ideas being pushed on libraries, alienating patrons.
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Banning ‘cultural appropriation’ is bad for artists and bad for culture
Accusations of 'cultural appropriation rely on a flawed and divisive knowledge of how culture works.
Activism Curriculum Racial issues WATCH: Fed up UVermont professor speaks out against antiracism, calls ‘whiteness’ dogma discriminatory
'Please stop telling me my views are harmful just because they're more moderate than yours are.'
Bias Racial issues White Privilege Two years after ‘eating while black’ incident debunked at Smith College, the nation learns the truth
'The story highlights the tensions between a student’s deeply felt sense of personal truth and facts that are at odds with it.'