1. Think with your intellect, not your feelings
Don’t believe the old adage that if you’re not liberal in your youth you have no heart, and if you’re not conservative when you’re older you have no brain. In reality, if you’re conservative in your youth you have more heart than those who simply buy into platitudes and blame-games and ignore facts. It means you want to treat the disease, not its symptoms.
2. Self-educate
Watch Prager U videos, read Hillsdale Imprimis every month, download the latest books authored by the best minds. You must seek out the vital information you will not hear inside lecture halls to arm yourselves against bias and grow your knowledge base. Do not rely on your professors to give you both sides of the issue. Far too often, unfortunately, their goal is to convince instead of educate.
3. Gain real-world experience
You learn by doing. So many students stress over their GPA, but that’s not what you’ll be asked about by a hiring manager. They want to see results. Get a part-time job that relates to your future career in some way. The knowledge and experience you gain will be invaluable — and likely help you land your first job.
4. Live out the Golden Rule
Your college is a melting pot. People from all walks of life are funneled into a finite campus. Do your part to make it a positive, respectful place. Yes — defend your positions, don’t be a doormat. But stand up for your principles in such a way that you can hold your head up high and rest easy at night knowing you did unto others as you would have them do unto you.
5. Pray
The college campus is a battleground. There is a struggle for the hearts and minds of its students, a spiritual warfare of sorts. Instead of feeling frustrated at and lashing out against liberal professors and peers, pray for them. There is power in prayer, not only for those whom you offer up in petition, but also in its ability to help you gain compassion for those who persecute you.
6. Study the laws of logic
Often professors use fallacious arguments. They appeal to emotion, use red herrings, employ circular reasoning. You must be able to spot logical fallacies and learn to respond with sound reasoning. It’s no easy feat. Take a class on logic or study the subject online. It’s a valuable tool you’ll use for the rest of your life, including in the workforce and marriage.
7. Be strong and courageous
College life can be discouraging. It’s a fun time, exciting, and full of new adventures — but it’s also trying, challenging. There will be struggles, hurdles to overcome. It’s those difficult times that produce perseverance within us and grow our character. Difficult seasons in college will come — you will get through them. Face them with strength and courage, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).
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