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Illinois prof viciously attacks Steve Forbes online ahead of campus talk

A professor at North Central College attacked Steve Forbes as “repellant” ahead of the Republican businessman’s speech this evening at the small, private university in Naperville, Illinois.

Young America’s Foundation, which is sponsoring the event, reports communication professor Steve Macek took to Facebook to offer his unsolicited opinion on Forbes:

In true leftist fashion, Macek launched a myriad of personal attacks on Steve Forbes and reminded followers on Facebook that there “is a special place in hell for people like [Forbes.]”

Macek’s remarks were made as a comment to a “post publicizing the event,” according to YAF. A screenshot shows the professor denounced Forbes as “the creepy, brain dead prophet of the flat tax.”

Macek, who apparently has “long been interested in classical and Western Marxist critiques of the capitalist media,” also took sideswipes at Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump in his critique of Forbes.

He wrote that Pence is a “vile homophobe” and Trump is “busy destroying the country.” He also pledged that if he has time tonight, he’ll “stop by to ask” Forbes “how he sleeps at night” given his support for Trump.

Read the full story.

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