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VIDEO: It’s wrong ‘to draw lines and boundaries’ about someone’s professed ‘identity’

A video well worth your time is the following, courtesy of the Family Policy Institute of Washington State.

In it, Institute director Jack Backholm first asks students at the University of Washington about the current proliferation of gender-neutral restrooms to accommodate those who “identify” as the gender of their choice.

All are in favor of the move, with one student saying “there shouldn’t be classifications for differences.”

But then Backholm queries them about what they’d think if he identified as a woman.

Some don’t hesitate at all and say “OK, great”; however, others falter and express incredulity. One student says “OK, what? Really?”

How dare he! Where does he get off doubting Backholm’s preferred gender? (/sarcasm.)

But it doesn’t end there. Backholm ups the ante, asking their opinions if he said he identified as a Chinese guy, or as a seven-year-old child. (This actually happened, by the way.)

The disbelief factor among the students climbs considerably the further Backholm takes it. When he says he is Chinese, one student responds that she “would have a lot of questions … because on the outside [she] would assume he was a white man.”

RELATED: What a surprise: Harvard freshmen find ‘conversations’ about identity ‘ineffective’

Regarding his “seven-year-old” identity, even those who had no issue with Backholm being Chinese were now very dubious. One student says “It really wouldn’t bother me very much to go out of my way and tell you ‘No, you’re wrong.'”

Perhaps the most interesting moments come when Backholm says he is six feet five inches tall. A female student tells him that she feels “like it’s not [her] place” to tell him he’s not 6’5″:

“I feel like it’s not my place as, like, another human to say that someone else is wrong or to draw lines and boundaries.”

National Review Online’s David French notes,

“And we’ve barely dipped our toe in the water of the brave new world, where it’s totally cool if men believe they’re female dragons. But there’s no trace of regret or humility in the cultural revolutionaries — the people who’ve so profoundly influenced the young people on the video above. Just keep doing what you want. If you get hurt, it’s probably some Christian’s fault. Only intolerance can stop utopia now.”

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IMAGE: minusequalsplus/Flickr

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