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Yale officials ‘silent’ on the issue of changing ‘master’ title

Top administrators at Yale, the school’s Council of Masters, and the Yale Corporation “have kept largely silent” about the “long-awaited” recommendation on changing the title “master.”

Nevertheless, the issue obviously is quite important to, well, some people, as it’s been debated by Yale college masters at every meeting since August 12.

The Yale Daily News reports that a source has indicated the Council’s forthcoming recommendation already “has changed several times.”

The brouhaha associated with “master” began last summer when Stephen Davis, a professor of Religious Studies, objected to the term citing the “deeply problematic racial and gender hierarchies” associated with it.

Davis is chair of the Council of Masters. (But if he had his way, it’d be called the Council of Head of Colleges. Or something.)

From the article:

The source said the council had been “flip-flopping” on its decision. On Thursday, [University President Peter] Salovey indicated that he had not received multiple recommendations. Because he had agreed to confidentiality, however, he said he could not confirm whether he has received a single recommendation or not.

RELATED: ‘Deeply problematic’ regarding race and gender: Yale professor does away with title of ‘master’

Residential college masters contacted for this story either declined to comment on the status of their potential recommendation or did not respond.

“While conversations are ongoing I’m unfortunately not in a position to share any information,” Davis said. “I’ll be happy to have a conversation about these matters once the Corporation’s conversations are concluded. My colleagues and I don’t want any public statements to interfere with their process of deliberation and decision-making.”

It’s good to know our Ivy League institutions aren’t fooling around and are focusing on the really important issues.

Read the full article.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.