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Outgoing black prof: Ohio University is ‘most racist place I’ve ever lived’

A “woman of color” professor at Ohio University who just got poached by Northwestern University is throwing shade at her employer on her way out.

The Post reports that the school’s black student population is growing but its percentage of black faculty has fallen, and the most recent to depart is political science professor Debra Thompson:

“Faculty of color generally face pretty obvious institutional discrimination — good old-fashioned racism,” Thompson said. “This is my fourth year, and this is the most racist place I’ve ever lived in my life.”

Thompson said the university puts on a good face for the public, like many institutions.

 “Yeah, we have a black president, but no black faculty, and the numbers are diminishing,” Thompson said. “We have no efforts to recruit faculty of color. We have no efforts to retain faculty of color. We have no diversity plan.”

The school’s president is Roderick McDavis, who has been jousting with the student government all year. A recent anti-McDavis campaign led by progressive students included “memes that portrayed President McDavis in an extremely radicalized manner,” as one critic put it.

Thompson doesn’t actually give any examples of the racism she’s faced, and the article provides no specific incidents of racism at the school.

Another recently departed black administrator told The Post that he gets “stopped by police, often,” but “Those are common things that happen anywhere” – not just Athens, Ohio.

Read the story.

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About the Author
Associate Editor
Greg Piper served as associate editor of The College Fix from 2014 to 2021.