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U.S. College Student Killed During Egyptian Protests

Andrew Pochter, a U.S. citizen stabbed to death late last week while he was observing protests against the Muslim Brotherhood in Alexandria, Egypt, had traveled to the country “in pursuit of peace and understanding,” his family said.

Pochter was standing by, innocently filming the political demonstrations when one protester, apparently, stabbed him in the chest.

So much for “peace and understanding.”

It’s a sad day for this young man’s family, who no doubt is now living out their worst fears about having a son who went to study abroad in the middle east–where any white westerner is a walking target of radical Islamic violence. It was only two years ago that CBS news correspondent Lara Logan was attacked under similar circumstances, while reporting on protests in Tahrir Square, and publicly raped by a horde of Egyptian men–out in the open, in broad daylight. Her life was ultimately saved by the bold actions of two Egyptian women who stepped in to rescue her.

Lara Logan was fortunate to escape with her life. Andrew Pochter wasn’t so lucky.

Pochter was spending his time in Egypt as a volunteer, teaching English to grade school children. He hoped to improve his Arabic skills before ultimately returning to Kenyon College, where he was a student. His dream was to use his life to promote the peace process in the region. “He cared profoundly about the Middle East,” his family said.

What hope is there for peace in the face of a culture of such relentless racial hate, sexism, and senseless violence? I admit, when I read a story like Pochter’s, it makes me want to throw my hands up in resignation.

But instead, today, we should honor Andrew Pochter’s life and his honorable commitment to the people of this troubled region. He risked his life to do something that, by all accounts, he believed in deeply. To love those who hate you–this is the recipe for a meaningful life.

Rather than throwing our hands up in defeat, Pochter’s example should inspire us to recommit ourselves to the difficult work of resisting the culture of violence and Islamic radicalism that took his life.

Nathan Harden is editor of The College Fix and author of the book SEX & GOD AT YALE: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Bad.

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