Gabriella Hoffman, Assistant Editor of The College Conservative and a student at the University of California at San Diego, interviewed David Milstein, president of Young Jewish Conservatives. Milstein interpreted President Obama’s anti-Israel positions as opportunities for conservatives to gain Jewish supporters at the expense of the Democratic Party:
Hoffman: It is a known fact that Jews overwhelmingly align with the Democrat Party. Given Obama’s call for Israel to “return to pre-1967 borders” and this administration’s poor treatment of the nation, how can Jewish conservatives convince their cohorts—young and old—to switch parties?
Milstein: It is true that most Jews vote Democratic. In the 2008 election, President Obama received about 80% of the Jewish vote. But the difference between 2008 and 2012 is that now there is a clear, anti-Israel record from the President that will prove to many Jews across the country he is no friend of Israel. It is our job to expose his record.
Here are a few examples. First, President Obama has repeatedly abandoned Israel, taking on the Palestinian narrative that is based on false premises with the goal of delegitimizing Israel. For the first time, he made building homes in Jerusalem and areas of the West Bank somehow an obstacle to peace. He has backtracked from his promise of a united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. When asked, the US State Department won’t even say Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. At the same time, it is clear someone is leaking multiple stories about Israel’s plans to defend itself against a nuclear Iran. It seems Obama has spent more time trying to dissuade Israel from defending itself than ensuring Iran doesn’t get the capability to build a nuclear weapon.
He broke with decades of American policy on the “peace process” demanding that negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians begin based on indefensible 1967 lines, which again entirely embraces the Palestinian position. This would not only divide Jerusalem closing off access to Jewish holy sites, it would leave Israel with indefensible borders and a northern width of only eight miles wide. It is because of Obama’s anti-Israel positions that the Palestinians felt emboldened to take their bid for statehood to the UN. The administration has been virtuously silent as the PA is seeking to join a unity government with Hamas. Their only response has been to go around Congress to increase aid to the PA and anti-Israel bodies in the UN like UNESCO and the Human Rights Council.
It is up to us to speak up in defense of Israel. In this upcoming election, YJC and other pro-Israel organizations will tell the truth and expose Obama’s real record on Israel. We will do everything we can to ensure the Jewish communities across the country are informed about his anti-Israel positions. The main message is simple: Jews must look at his actions, not his words. His actions are what matter and they show a very different story.
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